Lobster & Family Seaside Vacations

Lobster & Family Seaside Vacations
lobster-family-blog Every summer, my family gathers in Rockport, Massachusetts, to come together in communion and celebrate the bounties of summer. Typical of many families, we are spread out across the country. And although we stay connected via phone, text, face time and email, there is nothing that can replace gathering in physical presence to be able to laugh and enjoy each other’s stories. Our summer family gathering typically means coming together in Rockport at my brothers place, which is right on the ocean. Growing up, my parents rented a summer house and we often spent summers together by the ocean swimming and picking blueberries while playing games and walking Bearskin Neck in downtown Rockport. We still today, take a family stride down Bearskin Neck to look at the famous Motif #1 Fishing building that has been painted thousands of times but we also love the salt water taffy and ice cream while strolling through the art galleries. Lots of laughter occurs over the weekend and we do a little antiquing, swimming at the beach and off the rocks into the brisk ocean and enjoy cooking together our annual lobster fest dinner. Our Mother was a Cordon Bleu trained chef, so food was always serious business in our household and has maintained a tradition of being the centerpiece of our gatherings. We honor our family heritage by planning the menu, preparing the ingredients and cooking in the kitchen together to celebrate our love of family and food. Our summer menu this year consisted of fresh lobster, tomato, basil and feta cheese salad, corn on the cob and other salads of various greens. Our table was set in a simple seaside picnic style: striped cotton napkins and table runners, buckets of lobster, a bouquet of mixed flowers. . We laugh, we cry, we share and we enjoy aging together. A time I cherish which seems to go by so quickly. Cheers, in color, Jaima

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